What is the difference between NULL and VOID?

Null is actually a value, whereas Void is a data type identifier. A null variable simply indicates an empty value, whereas void is used to identify pointers as having no initial size. In the context of data structures and programming, “NULL” and “VOID” are two different concepts. NULL: NULL typically refers to a pointer that … Read more

List Some Applications of Multilinked Structures?

Sparse matrix, Index generation. Multilinked structures, also known as complex data structures, are used in various applications to efficiently represent relationships and hierarchies among data elements. Here are some common applications of multilinked structures: File Systems: Multilinked structures are often used to represent file systems where directories can contain subdirectories and files. Each directory entry … Read more

What are the advantages of Selecetion Sort?

It is simple and easy to implement. It can be used for small data sets. It is 60 per cent more efficient than bubble sort. Selection Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly finding the minimum element from the unsorted part of the array and putting it at the beginning. While Selection … Read more

What are the advantages of Binary search over linear search?

There are relatively less number of comparisons in binary search than that in linear search. In average case, linear search takes O(n) time to search a list of n elements while Binary search takes O(log n) time to search a list of n elements. In a data structure interview, if you’re asked about the advantages … Read more

What are the applications of Graph data structure?

The graph has the following applications: Graphs are used in circuit networks where points of connection are drawn as vertices and component wires become the edges of the graph. Graphs are used in transport networks where stations are drawn as vertices and routes become the edges of the graph. Graphs are used in maps that … Read more