What is the difference between file structure and storage structure?

Difference between file structure and storage structure: The main difference between file structure and storage structure is based on memory area that is being accessed. Storage structure: It is the representation of the data structure in the computer memory. File structure: It is the representation of the storage structure in the auxiliary memory. In the … Read more

List the area of applications of Data Structure

Data structures are applied extensively in the following areas of computer science: Compiler Design, Operating System, Database Management System, Statistical analysis package, Numerical Analysis, Graphics, Artificial Intelligence, Simulation Data structures are fundamental building blocks in computer science and find applications in various domains. Here are some areas where data structures are commonly applied: Database Management … Read more

Describe the types of Data Structures?

Data Structures are mainly classified into two types: Linear Data Structure: A data structure is called linear if all of its elements are arranged in the sequential order. In linear data structures, the elements are stored in a non-hierarchical way where each item has the successors and predecessors except the first and last element. Non-Linear … Read more

What is Data Structure? Explain.

The data structure is a way that specifies how to organize and manipulate the data. It also defines the relationship between them. Some examples of Data Structures are arrays, Linked List, Stack, Queue, etc. Data Structures are the central part of many computer science algorithms as they enable the programmers to handle the data in … Read more