What is a Pivot Table?

A Pivot Table is a Microsoft Excel feature used to summarize huge datasets quickly. It sorts, reorganizes, counts, or groups data stored in a database. This data summarization includes sums, averages, or other statistics.

A pivot table is a data summarization tool commonly used in spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. It allows users to rearrange and summarize selected columns and rows of data into a more digestible format without altering the original dataset.

In a pivot table, users can:

  1. Summarize data: Aggregate and summarize numerical data based on various criteria, such as sum, average, count, etc.
  2. Rearrange data: Quickly rearrange rows and columns to analyze data from different perspectives.
  3. Filter and sort data: Easily filter and sort data to focus on specific information.
  4. Perform calculations: Add custom calculations to analyze data further.
  5. Create charts: Generate charts and graphs directly from the pivot table to visualize trends and patterns in the data.

Overall, pivot tables are powerful tools for data analysis and reporting, enabling users to gain insights from large datasets quickly and efficiently.