What does of Django field class types do?

The Django field class types specify:

  • The database column type.
  • The default HTML widget to avail while rendering a form field.
  • The minimal validation requirements used in Django admin.
  • Automatic generated forms.

In Django, field class types define the type of data that can be stored in a particular field of a model. Each field class corresponds to a particular type of data, such as text, numbers, dates, or relationships with other models. Here are some common Django field class types and their purposes:

  1. CharField: Used to store a string of characters with a maximum length.
  2. IntegerField: Stores integer numbers.
  3. FloatField: Stores floating-point numbers.
  4. DecimalField: Stores fixed-precision decimal numbers.
  5. DateField: Stores dates without time.
  6. DateTimeField: Stores dates and times with time zone support.
  7. BooleanField: Stores boolean (True/False) values.
  8. TextField: Used for longer text strings.
  9. EmailField: Specifically designed to store email addresses.
  10. FileField: Used to upload files.
  11. ImageField: Similar to FileField but specifically for image files.
  12. ForeignKey: Represents a many-to-one relationship with another model.
  13. ManyToManyField: Represents a many-to-many relationship with another model.

Understanding these field class types is crucial for designing the database schema in Django applications and manipulating data effectively.