What are the principles of DevOps?

The principles behind DevOps are:

  • Continuous deployment
  • Infrastructure as code
  • Automation
  • Monitoring
  • Security

The principles of DevOps are often summarized by the acronym “CALMS,” which stands for:

  1. Culture: DevOps emphasizes creating a culture of collaboration, communication, trust, and shared responsibility between development, operations, and other relevant teams within an organization.
  2. Automation: Automating repetitive tasks such as testing, deployment, and infrastructure provisioning helps improve efficiency, consistency, and reduces the potential for human error.
  3. Lean: DevOps encourages the elimination of waste in the software development lifecycle, focusing on delivering value to customers quickly and continuously.
  4. Measurement: Implementing metrics and monitoring tools enables teams to measure performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-driven decisions to improve processes.
  5. Sharing: Sharing knowledge, experiences, tools, and best practices within and across teams fosters learning, innovation, and continuous improvement.

During a DevOps interview, it’s essential to not only list these principles but also provide examples or discuss how these principles have been applied in your previous work experience or how you would apply them in the context of the organization you’re interviewing for. Additionally, demonstrating an understanding of how these principles contribute to the overall goals of DevOps, such as faster delivery, higher quality, and increased collaboration, can strengthen your answer.