What is an Array?

The array is defined as a collection of similar items, stored in a contiguous manner. Arrays is an intuitive concept as the need to group similar objects together arises in our day to day lives. Arrays satisfy the same need. How are they stored in the memory? Arrays consume blocks of data, where each element … Read more

You have to train a 12GB dataset using a neural network with a machine which has only 3GB RAM. How would you go about it?

We can use NumPy arrays to solve this issue. Load all the data into an array. In NumPy, arrays have a property to map the complete dataset without loading it completely in memory. We can pass the index of the array, dividing data into batches, to get the data required and then pass the data … Read more

List the advantages and disadvantages of using neural networks.

Advantages: We can store information on the entire network instead of storing it in a database. It has the ability to work and give a good accuracy even with inadequate information. A neural network has parallel processing ability and distributed memory. Disadvantages: Neural Networks requires processors which are capable of parallel processing. It’s unexplained functioning … Read more

Describe a hash table

Hashing is a technique for identifying unique objects from a group of similar objects. Hash functions are large keys converted into small keys in hashing techniques. The values of hash functions are stored in data structures which are known hash table. A hash table is a data structure that stores key-value pairs, where each key … Read more

What is the meshgrid () method and the contourf () method? State some usesof both.

The meshgrid( ) function in numpy takes two arguments as input : range of x-values in the grid, range of y-values in the grid whereas meshgrid needs to be built before the contourf( ) function in matplotlib is used which takes in many inputs : x-values, y-values, fitting curve (contour line) to be plotted in … Read more