What is CloudFront?

CloudFront is a computer delivery network which consists of distributed servers that delivers web pages and web content to a user based on the geographic locations of a user. For an AWS interview question asking about CloudFront, you could answer as follows: “Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service provided by Amazon Web … Read more

What is Cross Region Replication?

Cross Region Replication is a service available in aws that enables to replicate the data from one bucket to another bucket which could be in a same or different region. It provides asynchronous copying of objects, i.e., objects are not copied immediately. Cross-region replication is a feature provided by AWS (Amazon Web Services) that allows … Read more

How many buckets can be created in S3?

By default, you can create up to 100 buckets. The correct answer to this AWS interview question would be: There is no hard limit on the number of S3 buckets that can be created within an AWS account. However, AWS recommends keeping the number of buckets to a reasonable level for organizational and management purposes. … Read more

What is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda is a compute service that runs your code without managing servers. Lambda function runs your code whenever needed. You need to pay only when your code is running. For an AWS interview question asking about AWS Lambda, a correct answer would be: “AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web … Read more

What are the pricing models for EC2 instances?

There are four pricing models for EC2 instances: On-Demand instance On-Demand pricing is also known as pay-as-you-go. Pay-as-you-go is a pricing model that allows you to pay only for those resources that you use. You need to pay for the compute capacity by per hour or per second that depends on which instances you run. … Read more