How can you secure the access to your S3 bucket?

S3 bucket can be secured in two ways: ACL (Access Control List) ACL is used to manage the access of resources to buckets and objects. An object of each bucket is associated with ACL. It defines which AWS accounts have granted access and the type of access. When a user sends the request for a … Read more

What are the different storage classes in S3?

Storage classes are used to assist the concurrent loss of data in one or two facilities. Each object in S3 is associated with some storage class. Amazon S3 contains some storage classes in which you can store your objects. You can choose a storage class based on your requirements and these storage classes offer high … Read more

What is an EIP?

EIP (Elastic IP address) is a service provided by an EC2 instance. It is basically a static IP address attached to an EC2 instance. This address is associated with your AWS account not with an EC2 instance. You can also disassociate your EIP address from your EC2 instance and map it to another EC2 instance … Read more

Can a AMI be shared?

Yes, an AMI can be shared. Yes, an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) can be shared. AMIs are essentially templates that contain the information required to launch an instance, which includes the operating system, application server, and applications. AWS allows users to share their custom AMIs with other AWS accounts or publicly with the broader AWS … Read more

What is AMI?

AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image. It is a virtual image used to create a virtual machine within an EC2 instance. For an AWS interview question asking about AMI (Amazon Machine Image), the correct answer would be: “An AMI, or Amazon Machine Image, is a template that contains the software configuration (such as the operating … Read more