Which search method takes less memory?

The “depth first search” method takes less memory. The search method that typically takes less memory is Depth-First Search (DFS). Depth-First Search explores a branch of the search tree as deeply as possible before backtracking. It uses relatively little memory compared to other search methods like Breadth-First Search (BFS) or Uniform Cost Search (UCS), which … Read more

What does a production rule consist of?

The production rule comprises of a set of rule and a sequence of steps. A production rule in the context of artificial intelligence typically consists of two main components: Condition: This represents the antecedent or the “if” part of the rule. It specifies the conditions under which the rule is applicable or triggered. Action: This … Read more

What is alternate, artificial, compound and natural key?

Alternate Key: Excluding primary keys all candidate keys are known as Alternate Keys. Artificial Key: If no obvious key either stands alone or compound is available, then the last resort is to, simply create a key, by assigning a number to each record or occurrence. This is known as artificial key. Compound Key: When there … Read more

Mention the difference between statistical AI and Classical AI ?

Statistical AI is more concerned with “inductive” thought like given a set of pattern, induce the trend etc. While, classical AI, on the other hand, is more concerned with “ deductive” thought given as a set of constraints, deduce a conclusion etc. The difference between statistical AI and classical AI lies in their approaches to … Read more

Give an explanation on the difference between strong AI and weak AI?

Strong AI makes strong claims that computers can be made to think on a level equal to humans while weak AI simply predicts that some features that are resembling to human intelligence can be incorporated to computer to make it more useful tools. Sure, here’s an explanation on the difference between strong AI and weak … Read more