You have not done your PG yet. This is not a drawback, but don’t you think you should get a PG degree asap?

Other variations of this question are as follows: Do you want to complete your Masters/Post Graduation in near future? Do you aspire to pursue higher studies? Don’t fall into the interviewer’s trap. This question is shot at you to check your confidence level. So, do not feel unarmed or look surprised. Keep your calm and … Read more

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is a very common question asked by HR personnel to candidates. Remember that interviewers these days hardly ever get impressed by flowery responses. So be careful while tackling this one. Possible Answer #1: “I have several strengths namely – I am patient, committed, honest and self-motivated. I am the biggest dreamer I have ever … Read more

Describe who you are? or Tell me about your background.

In a job interview, you can be asked to describe who you are, Describe yourself in one word or Describe yourself in 3 words, but all such questions essentially mean that you talk about your skills and qqualities. In an HR round, you will surely face this question among all other HR interview questions and … Read more

Tell me something about yourself in brief?

Possible Answer #1: “Thank you, Sir/Ma’am for this opportunity. I am from XYZ City and belong to a nuclear family. My father is a Central Government Employee and my mother is a Vice Principal at a private school. My younger sister will appear her CBSE 10 board this year. We are a very close-knit family. … Read more

Why did you resign from your previous job?

I am thankful to my previous organization because I have learnt a lot of things from there. According to me, changes are necessary for everyone to enhance your skills, knowledge and for personal growth and financial growth, Your Organization is the good platform where I can get all these. When answering this question in an … Read more