List some applications of Tree-data structure?

Applications of Tree- data structure:

  • The manipulation of Arithmetic expression,
  • Symbol Table construction,
  • Syntax analysis
  • Hierarchal data model

Trees are a fundamental data structure in computer science with a wide range of applications. Here are some common applications of tree data structures:

  1. Binary Search Trees (BST): Used in databases and file systems for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion operations.
  2. Expression Trees: Used in compilers to parse and evaluate expressions.
  3. Heap: Used in priority queues, where the highest (or lowest) priority element is always at the root.
  4. Trie (Prefix Tree): Used in dictionaries and spell checkers for fast prefix-based searching.
  5. Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick Tree): Used in computer science algorithms like range queries and updates.
  6. File Systems: Used to represent directories and files in hierarchical file systems.
  7. Abstract Syntax Trees (AST): Used in programming languages for parsing and representing the structure of code.
  8. Balanced Trees (AVL, Red-Black Trees): Used in databases and caching to maintain balanced search trees for efficient operations.
  9. Decision Trees: Used in machine learning for classification and regression tasks.
  10. Game Trees (Minimax): Used in artificial intelligence for decision making in games.

These are just a few examples, and tree data structures find applications in various other domains including networking, graphics, and bioinformatics.