How many Elastic IPs can you create?

5 elastic IP addresses that you can create per AWS account per region.

The correct answer to the question “How many Elastic IPs can you create?” depends on the AWS service limits, which can vary depending on your AWS account status and region. However, as of my last update, AWS imposes a default limit of 5 Elastic IP addresses per AWS account for accounts created after December 4, 2013. This limit can be increased by submitting a request through the AWS Support Center.

It’s essential to mention that Elastic IP addresses should be used sparingly and only when necessary, as AWS charges for unused Elastic IP addresses that are not associated with an instance or a network interface. Additionally, utilizing Elastic IP addresses may not always be the most efficient solution, and it’s often recommended to leverage dynamic IP addresses or AWS services like Elastic Load Balancing or AWS CloudFront where appropriate.