How do you deal with feedback and criticism?

The purpose of this question is to test your attitude toward feedback and criticism.

In answering this question, you need to indicate that although you are confident about your work, you are not stubborn.

Show that you are flexible and willing to make changes and modifications, when necessary.

Possible Answer #1:
To err is human, and I too have faltered at times in interpreting a client’s/company’s briefings and/or expectations.

However, maintaining a cordial relationship with the clients as well as with my seniors helps me discuss and resolve the gaps without any fear or distress.

Possible Answer #2:
I have learnt that it is best to take criticism positively.

Feedback and criticism help one to look at things from a different perspective, which results in a better understanding of the situation.

It ultimately helps one gain useful insights into one’s strengths and weaknesses.