Explain Pie chart in R.

R programming language has several libraries for creating charts and graphs. A pie-chart is a representation of values in the form of slices of a circle with different colors.


In R, you can create a pie chart to represent the distribution of a categorical variable using the pie() function. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of creating a pie chart in R:

  1. Data Preparation: Ensure that you have a categorical variable with its corresponding frequency counts. For example, let’s say you have a data frame named data with a variable named categories and its corresponding frequencies in a variable named counts.
    data <- data.frame(categories = c("Category1", "Category2", "Category3"),
    counts = c(30, 45, 25))
  2. Create the Pie Chart: Use the pie() function to create a pie chart. Provide the frequency counts as the input, and you can also specify additional parameters such as colors and labels.
    # Create a pie chart
     pie(data$counts, labels = data$categories, main = "Pie Chart of Categories")

    The main parameter is optional and is used to specify the main title of the chart.

  3. Customization (Optional): You can customize the pie chart by adding a legend, changing colors, and adjusting other parameters.
    # Customize the pie chart

    pie(data$counts, labels = data$categories, main = "Pie Chart of Categories",
    col = rainbow(length(data$counts)), cex = 0.8)
    legend("topright", legend = data$categories, fill = rainbow(length(data$counts)), cex = 0.8)

    Here, col specifies the colors of the pie slices, and legend adds a legend to the chart.

  4. Save the Plot (Optional): If you want to save the pie chart as an image file, you can use functions like png(), jpeg(), or pdf() along with dev.off().
    # Save the pie chart as a PNG file
    pie(data$counts, labels = data$categories, main = "Pie Chart of Categories", col = rainbow(length(data$counts)))

    This will save the pie chart as a PNG file named “pie_chart.png”.

Remember to adapt the code based on your specific data and requirements. This example assumes a basic setup, and you may need to adjust parameters depending on your dataset and visualization preferences.