Explain FactoMineR.

The FactoMineR is a package that includes qualitative and quantitative variables. The observations and supplementary variables are also included in these packages. FactoMineR is an R package designed for exploratory multivariate data analysis and dimensionality reduction techniques, particularly focused on methods related to factor analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). It provides a wide range … Read more

Explain the auto.arima() and principal() function.

The auto.arima() function handle both the seasonal and non-seasonal ARIMA model and the principal() function used for rotating and extracting the principal components. It seems there might be a confusion in your question. The auto.arima() and principal() functions are from different packages and serve different purposes in R. auto.arima() function: Package: forecast Purpose: The auto.arima() … Read more

Differentiate between qda() and lda() function.

The qda() function prints a quadratic discriminant function while lda() function print the discriminant functions based on the centered variable. In R, the qda() and lda() functions are used for classification, but they are associated with different methods: qda() – Quadratic Discriminant Analysis: qda() stands for Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. It is used when the assumption … Read more

Explain the use of the forecast package.

The forecast package gives the functions which are used to automatic selection of exponential and ARIMA models. In R, the forecast package is a powerful and widely used package for time series forecasting. It provides various functions and tools for analyzing and forecasting time series data. Here’s an explanation of the key features and functionalities … Read more

Explain mashapiro.test() and barlett.test().

This function defines in the mvnormtest package and produces the Shapiro-wilk test to multivariate normality. The barlett.test() is used to provide a parametric k-sample test of the equality of variances. It seems like you’ve combined two statistical test functions in R: mshapiro.test() and bartlett.test(). However, there is a slight typo in the names of the … Read more