What will be the output of data[-2] from the list data = [1,5,8,6,9,3,4]?

In the list, an element present at the 2nd index from the right is 3. So, the output will be 3. In Python, negative indices in lists are used to access elements from the end of the list. So, data[-2] will access the second-to-last element in the list data, which is 3. Therefore, the correct … Read more

What will be the output of [‘!!Welcome!!’]*2?

The output will be [‘!!Welcome!! ‘, ‘!!Welcome!!’] The correct answer to the Python interview question “What will be the output of [‘!!Welcome!!’]*2?” is: cssCopy code [‘!!Welcome!!’, ‘!!Welcome!!’] Explanation: When you multiply a list by an integer in Python, it creates a new list with the elements of the original list repeated the specified number of … Read more

Give the output of this example: A[3] if A=[1,4,6,7,9,66,4,94].

Since indexing starts from zero, an element present at 3rd index is 7. So, the output is 7. To find the output of A[3] where A = [1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 66, 4, 94], you’re essentially accessing the element at index 3 of the list A. In Python, indexing starts from 0, so the … Read more

What is the usage of enumerate () function in Python?

The enumerate() function is used to iterate through the sequence and retrieve the index position and its corresponding value at the same time. For i,v in enumerate([‘Python’,’Java’,’C++’]): print(i,v) 0 Python 1 Java 2 C++ # enumerate using an index sequence for count, item in enumerate([‘Python’,’Java’,’C++’], 10): The enumerate() function in Python is used to iterate … Read more

What is the shortest method to open a text file and display its content?

The shortest way to open a text file is by using “with” command in the following manner: with open(“file-name”, “r”) as fp: fileData = fp.read() #to print the contents of the file print(fileData) The shortest method to open a text file and display its content in Python would be to use a combination of the … Read more