What is a Web role in Azure Cloud Service?

A web role in Azure is a virtual machine instance running Microsoft IIS Web server that can accept and respond to HTTP or HTTPS requests. In Microsoft Azure Cloud Services, a Web Role is a type of role that is specifically designed to host and run web applications. Web Roles are part of the Azure … Read more

Explain stateful and stateless micro-services for Service Fabric?

Service Fabric enables us to build applications that consist of microservices. Stateless micro-service doesn’t maintain a mutable state outside a request. Azure Cloud Service’s worker role is an example of a stateless service. Stateful microservice maintains a mutable, authoritative state beyond the request and its response. In Microsoft Azure Service Fabric, microservices can be categorized … Read more

How to create a VM in Azure CLI?

az vm create ` –resource-group myResourceGroup ` –name myVM –image win2016datacenter ` –admin-username Azureuser ` –admin-password myPassword12   To create a virtual machine (VM) in Microsoft Azure using Azure CLI, you can use the following steps: Open a terminal or command prompt. Make sure you have the Azure CLI installed. If not, you can download … Read more

What is Azure Search?

It is a cloud search-as-a-service solution that delegates server and infrastructure management to Microsoft, leaving us with a ready-to-use service that we can populate with our data and then use to add search to our web or mobile application. Azure search allows us to easily add a robust search experience to our applications using a … Read more

How much storage can we use with a virtual machine?

In Azure, each data disk can be up to 1 TB. The number of disks we can use depends upon the size of the virtual machine. Azure Managed Disks are the recommended disk storage offering to use with Azure Virtual Machines for persistent storage of data. We can use multiple Managed Disks with each Virtual … Read more