How many subnets can you have per VPC?

You can have 200 subnets per VPC. In AWS, the number of subnets you can have per VPC depends on the CIDR block size of the VPC and the size of the subnets. You can create subnets within a VPC by dividing the VPC CIDR block into smaller CIDR blocks. Each subnet must be associated … Read more

Can you establish a peering connection to a VPC in a different region?

No, it’s not possible to establish a peering connection to a VPC in a different region. It’s only possible to establish a peering connection to a VPC in the same region. No, you cannot establish a peering connection between VPCs in different regions in AWS. VPC peering connections are only possible within the same region. … Read more

Differences between Amazon S3 and EC2?

S3 It is a storage service where it can store any amount of data. It consists of a REST interface and uses secure HMAC-SHA1 authentication keys. EC2 It is a web service used for hosting an application. It is a virtual machine which can run either Linux or Windows and can also run the applications … Read more

What are the two types of access that you can provide when you are creating users?

There are two types of access: Console Access If the user wants to use the Console Access, a user needs to create a password to login in an AWS account. Programmatic access If you use the Programmatic access, an IAM user need to make an API calls. An API call can be made by using … Read more

What is the maximum size of messages in SQS?

The maximum size of message in SQS IS 256 KB. The correct answer to the maximum size of messages in Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is 256 KB (kilobytes). SQS supports messages up to this size, including both message body and any message attributes. If you need to send larger messages, you might want to … Read more