What’s a Turing test?

The Turing test, named after Alan Turing, is a method of testing a machine’s human-level intelligence. For example, in a human-versus-machine scenario, a judge will be tasked with identifying which terminal was occupied by a human and which was occupied by a computer based on individual performance. Whenever a computer can pass off as a … Read more

What are some examples of AI in use?

Some compelling examples of AI applications are: Chatbots Facial recognition Image tagging Natural language processing Sales prediction Self-driving cars Sentiment analysis When answering an interview question about examples of AI in use, it’s important to provide diverse and relevant examples that showcase the breadth of applications AI has across various industries. Here are some examples … Read more

How would you describe ML to a non-technical person?

ML is geared toward pattern recognition. A great example of this is your Facebook newsfeed and Netflix’s recommendation engine. In this scenario, ML algorithms observe patterns and learn from them. When you deploy an ML program, it will keep learning and improving with each attempt. If the interviewer prods you to provide more real-world examples, … Read more

What’s the difference between strong AI and weak AI?

The difference between the two is just like the terms sound. Strong AI can successfully imitate human intelligence and is at the core of advanced robotics. Weak AI can only predict specific characteristics that resemble human intelligence. Alexa and Siri are excellent examples of weak AI. Strong AI Can be applied widely Extensive scope Human-level … Read more

What are AI neural networks?

in AI mathematically model how the human brain works. This approach enables the machine to think and learn as humans do. This is how smart technology today recognizes speech, objects, and more. For an AI interview question about neural networks, the correct answer could be: “Neural networks are a fundamental component of artificial intelligence inspired … Read more