What is a market-basket analysis?

The market-basket analysis is a popular technique to find the associations between the items. It is frequently used by big retailers in order to get maximum profit. In this approach, we need to find combinations of items that are frequently bought together. For example, if a person buys bread, there are most of the chances … Read more

Which algorithm is used by Facebook for face recognition? Explain its working.

Facebook uses the DeepFace tool that uses the deep learning algorithms for the face verification that allows the photo tag suggestions to you when you upload a photo on Facebook. The deep face identifies the faces in the digital images using neural network models. The working of DeepFace is given in below steps: It first … Read more

What is tensor flow, and how it is used in AI?

Tensor flow is the open-source library platform developed by the Google Brain team. It is a math library used for several machine learning applications. With the help of tensor flow, we can easily train and deploy the machine learning models in the cloud. TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google Brain for … Read more

Explain rational agents and rationality?

A rational agent is an agent that has clear preferences, model uncertainty, and that performs the right actions always. A rational agent is able to take the best possible action in any situation. Rationality is a status of being reasonable and sensible with a good sense of judgment. In the context of artificial intelligence, a … Read more

Kindly explain different ways to evaluate the performance of the ML model.

Some popular ways to evaluate the performance of the ML model are: Confusion Matrix: It is N*N table with different sets of value that is used to determine the performance of the classification model in machine learning. F1 score: It is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, which is used as one of the … Read more