Which service in Azure can be used to manage resources?

Azure Resource Manager is used to manage resources in Microsoft Azure. It is used to deploy, manage, and delete all the resources together using a simple JSON script.

The primary service in Azure used to manage resources is Azure Resource Manager.

  • Deployment and Management: Azure Resource Manager provides a comprehensive platform for deploying, managing, and deleting resources in your Azure subscription. It allows you to create, update, and delete individual resources or groups of resources (resource groups).
  • Organization and Control: It facilitates organization by enabling you to group related resources within resource groups, making it easier to manage them as a unit. This also helps with applying access control, locks, and tags for robust security and organization.
  • Essential Features: Azure Resource Manager offers functionalities like:
    • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Defines who can perform specific actions on your resources.
    • Locks: Prevent accidental or unauthorized deletion or modification of resources.
    • Tags: Categorize resources for easier management and billing.
    • Deployment Templates: Automate resource deployment and configuration using ARM templates or Bicep.

While other services like the Azure portal provide interfaces to interact with Azure resources, they ultimately rely on Azure Resource Manager for the core management functionalities.