What is the difference b/w sample() and subset() in R?

In R, sample() and subset() are two different functions with distinct purposes:

sample() is used for generating random samples from a specified set of elements.
It can be used to randomly permute a vector or to randomly select elements from a vector.
The basic syntax is sample(x, size, replace = FALSE), where x is the vector or set of elements, size is the number of elements to choose, and replace indicates whether sampling should be done with replacement (default is FALSE).

# Generate a random sample of 5 numbers from 1 to 10 without replacement
random_sample <- sample(1:10, 5, replace = FALSE)
subset() is used for subsetting data frames based on certain conditions.
It is commonly used to filter rows of a data frame based on specific criteria.
The basic syntax is subset(x, subset, select, …), where x is the data frame, subset is the condition to be met for subsetting, and select is used to choose specific columns (optional).

# Create a data frame
data <- data.frame(ID = 1:10, Value = rnorm(10))

# Subset the data frame to include only rows where Value is greater than 0
subset_data <- subset(data, Value > 0)
In summary, sample() is used for random sampling of elements, while subset() is used for subsetting data frames based on specific conditions. They serve different purposes in R.