What are the different types of routing policies in route53?

Following are the different types of routing policies in route53:

  • Simple Routing Policy
  • Simple Routing Policy is a simple round-robin policy which is applied to a single resource doing the function for the domain, For example, web server is sending the content to a website where web server is a single resource.
  • It responds to DNS queries based on the values present in the resource.
  • Weighted Routing Policy
  • Weighted Routing Policy allows you to route the traffic to different resources in specified proportions. For example, 75% in one server, and 25% in another server.
  • Weights can be assigned in the range from 0 to 255.
  • Weight Routing policy is applied when there are multiple resources accessing the same function. For example, web servers accessing the same website. Each web server will be given a unique weight number.
  • Weighted Routing Policy associates the multiple resources to a single DNS name.
  • Latency-based Routing Policy
  • Latent-based Routing Policy allows Route53 to respond to the DNS query at which data center gives the lowest latency.
  • Latency-based Routing policy is used when there are multiple resources accessing the same domain. Route53 will identify the resource that provides the fastest response with lowest latency.
  • Failover Routing Policy
  • Geolocation Routing Policy