What could be the issue when the beta value for a certain variable varies way too much in each subset when regression is run on different subsets of the given dataset?

Variations in the beta values in every subset implies that the dataset is heterogeneous. To overcome this problem, we can use a different model for each of the clustered subsets of the dataset or use a non-parametric model such as decision trees.

When the beta value for a certain variable varies significantly across different subsets of the dataset in regression analysis, it typically indicates a problem of multicollinearity. Multicollinearity occurs when two or more independent variables in a regression model are highly correlated, leading to unstable and unreliable estimates of the coefficients (betas).

In the context of this question, the varying beta values across subsets suggest that the variable in question might be correlated with other variables differently in each subset. This can lead to instability in the coefficient estimates, making it challenging to interpret the true relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

To address this issue, one could consider the following approaches:

  1. Check for multicollinearity: Use diagnostic tools such as variance inflation factor (VIF) or correlation matrices to identify highly correlated variables. If multicollinearity is detected, consider removing or combining correlated variables, or using regularization techniques like ridge regression or LASSO regression.
  2. Regularization techniques: Regularization methods like ridge regression or LASSO regression can help stabilize coefficient estimates and reduce the impact of multicollinearity by penalizing large coefficients.
  3. Feature selection: Select a subset of features that are most relevant to the dependent variable, which can help reduce the impact of multicollinearity and improve model interpretability.
  4. Cross-validation: Use techniques like cross-validation to assess the stability and generalizability of the model across different subsets of the data.
  5. Collect more data: Sometimes, multicollinearity can be a result of insufficient data. Collecting more data can help provide a more stable estimate of the coefficients.

By addressing multicollinearity through these approaches, one can improve the stability and reliability of the regression model across different subsets of the dataset.